Abstract Submission

Abstract submission is now open!

Please press the following button for submission (You can log in with your existing account, e.g. from Bradykinin Symposium 2022 or create a new user account. The login data are necessary for the abstract submission!):

Submission Guidelines

  1. Deadline: 15 July 2024
  2. Length of abstract: max. 300 words
  3. Length of title: max. 10 words
  4. Language: English
  5. Please do not include any figures or tables.
  6. Please add the names, affiliations and addresses of all authors and co-authors.
Make sure that your submission meets all points of the checklist given above before submitting the abstract to the Scientific Committee.
The Scientific Committee is looking forward to your contributions!

For further information

Remember Management GmbH
Albrechtstr. 14 b, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 47 37 25 77
Fax: +49 30 47 37 25 78
E-mail: bradykinin@remember-management.de
Web: www.remember-management.de

Please click here to log in to your personal area again.

After registering for the Bradykinin Symposium, you will have the opportunity to submit an abstract online by 15 July 2024. (Über den Submission Guidelines, bevor die Einreichung eröffnet ist).


Stay in touch


Remember Management GmbH
Albrechtstr. 14 b, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 47 37 25 77
Fax: +49 30 47 37 25 78
E-mail: bradykinin@remember-management.de
Web: www.remember-management.de